Hello Everyone and today I'm here to talk to you about FRIENDSHIPS!!! I think that having one friend you can trust with anything is so so so so so soooo important.
The first thing I want to cover is fall outs, if you don't fall out with your best friend its not a friendship because a part of being best friends is falling out. All you need to do is say sorry and if you truly are best friends you will make up in no time at all.
Another really important part of a friendship is trust and honesty, don't lie you don't have t go and tell them your every secret just don't LIE because that's what puts a friendship at risk!!!
Always stick up for them and be there for them because that's what you would want them to do for you is it not.
Your best friends are promises you have to keep because you just do so remember that!!!
Until next time byeee xoxo
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Saturday, 3 May 2014
Hello Everyone, So I know there are not very many of you who read my posts but I know there are about twelve of you who seem to read all my posts so in this post I'm just going to inform of what's going on and also why I haven't posted recently!!
Basically I haven't posted because there's been a lot going on at school at the minute and I havn't really been up to posting because I knew that in the moods I have been in lately I wouldn't be giving you great advice so yup I'm sorry for that.
Next on the list is that I will no longer be doing the lets blog series because I don't think I have the correct experience to offer you just yet.
The final thing I want to talk to you about is youtube.... I have been watching a lot of youtube videos and I have been debating starting a channel so let me know what you think in the comments below.
As always don't be afraid to leave you suggestions! Until next time byeeeee xoxo
Basically I haven't posted because there's been a lot going on at school at the minute and I havn't really been up to posting because I knew that in the moods I have been in lately I wouldn't be giving you great advice so yup I'm sorry for that.
Next on the list is that I will no longer be doing the lets blog series because I don't think I have the correct experience to offer you just yet.
The final thing I want to talk to you about is youtube.... I have been watching a lot of youtube videos and I have been debating starting a channel so let me know what you think in the comments below.
As always don't be afraid to leave you suggestions! Until next time byeeeee xoxo
Sunday, 27 April 2014
100 questions no-one asks tag!!
Hello Everybody, so I was sitting there thinking 'hmmm.... what shall I bore all my viewers with today' and I decided to do as you probably guessed the 100 questions no-one asks tag so seeing as I talk soo much and there are litrally 100 qustions im going to get into it!!
Do you sleep with you closet doors open or closed??
Umm... I don't realy pourposly open or close my closet doors but they are usually closed...
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out??
In bed I just bundle myself into a big cocoon so that's a yes!!
Have you ever stolen a street sign before??
Do you use post-it notes??
No but I have always wanted to be one of those really organised people who use post-it nots but whenever I try it just fails so basically no.
Do you ever cut out coupons and then never use them??
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bee's??
Umm I think a swarm of bees because everyones like, if you don't harm the bee it won't harm you so yeah a swarm of bee's!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have freckles??
Do you always smile for pictures??
I do most of the time but sometimes there are just thouse casule pouts or tounge faces as all girls have to admit they try to pull of...!!
What is your biggest pet peeve??
When you message someone and you can clearly see they have seen it and then they don't reply, but then when you see each other they won't stop talking to you!!
Do you ever count your steps when you walk??
If im really really bored then probably yes but I do it without realising im doing it.
Have you ever peed in the woods??
Have you ever pooped in the woods??
Umm.. yeahhh but when I was like 6.....
Do you ever dance when theres no music playing??
Yeah when theres an awkward silence. as you do.
Do you chew your pens and pencils??
guilty as charged!!
How many people have you slept with this week??
One (if my teddy counts)???
What is the size of your bed??
What is your top song of the week??
Addicted to you
Is it okay for guys to wear pink??
Guys go ahead and wear what you wonna wear!!
Do you still watch cartoons??
If animated movies count. then yes.
Whats your least favourite movie??
I don't have one
Where would you burry hidden treasure??
Umm why would I tell you where I would hide treasure you silly billy??
What do you drink with your dinner??
Black current and apple squash!
What do you dip a chicken nugget in??
What is your favourite food??
Pancakes 100% of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What movie could you watch over and over again and still love??
Monte Carlo, go watch it guys!!!!!!!
Last person you kissed/kissed you??
my mummy!!! :)
Where you ever a girl/boy scout??
Indeed I was!!
would you ever pose nude in a magazine??
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone??
Umm quite a while ago and it as to my cousin.
can you change the oil in a car??
Ever got a speeding ticket??
Ever ran out of gas??
Favourite type of sandwich??
BLT for sure!!
Best thing to eat for breakfast??
Pancakes.. DUH
what is your usual bedtime??
9 o clock
Are you Lazy??
I can be..
When you were a child what did you dress up as or Halloween??
I swear I have always been a vampire for Halloween!!
What is your chineese astrological sign??
How many languages can you speak??
Umm one, I know im so cultural you don't need to tell me haha (winky face)
Do you have any magazine subscriptions??
no I do not.
Which are better Lego's or linconlogs??
I would say Lego because I have never really played with linconlogs??
Are you stubborn??
Nope. all my friends are always saying how happy I am all the time!!!
Who is better Leno or Letterman??
I don't know either so I cant really say....
Ever watch soap operas??
Are you afraid of heights??
Well I'm not afraid of heights as in you send me to the top of the tallest building in the world but I cant stand rollercoasters...
Do you sing in the car??
Do you sing in the shower??
Not really.
Do you dance n the car??
Ever used a gun??
Actually Yes, when I was a scout!
Last time you had your portrait taken by a photographer??
Umm last year...
Do you think musicals are cheesy??
Depends which musical...
Is Christmas stressful??
Not for me its not!!!
Ever ate a pierogi??
A what?
What's your favourite type of fruit pie??
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid??
A princess, A model, An actress!!!!!!!
Do you believe in ghosts???
Sort Of.....
Ever had a deva-vu feeling??
Nope Never!
Take a vitamin daily??
No, but I am going to start to..
Do you wear slippers??
No, I usually wear fluffy socks.
Wear a bathrobe??
Not really, I do sometimes.
What do you wear to bed??
Either shorts and a vest or in the winter shorts and a baggy jumper!
Your first concert??
I have never been to a concert..
Wal-Mart, target or k-mart??
None because I live in the UK
Nike or Adidas??
Cheetos or Fritos??
again none because I live in the UK..
Peanuts or sunflower seeds??
Ever heard of the group Tres Bien??
I have now..
Ever Taken dance lessons??
Yes, for about a year when I was 7
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing??
Anything that makes him happy!!
Can you curl your tonged??
Have you ever won a spelling bee??
Have you ever cried because you were so happy???
Own any record albums??
Own a record player??
Regularly burn incense??
No not really??
Ever been in love??
Who would you like to see in concert??
If I had to pick one person it would be 1 Direction for sure!
The last concert you saw??
I have never been to a concert..
Hot tea or Cold tea??
Tea or Coffee??
Sugar or snicker doodles??
Umm Sugar??
Can you swim well??
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose??
course I can!!
Are you patient??
DJ or band at a wedding??
I think a band would be cool!!
Ever won a contest??
Eve had plastic surgery??
Which are better black or green olives??
I don't like any colour of olives ;(
Can you knit or crochet??
Best room for a fireplace??
A bedroom I think a fire place would just give it such a cosy feel (who else agrees)??
Do you want to get married??
Yes yes yes yes yesssssss
If married how long for??
I am not married, I am only 13...
Who was your high school crush??
I am still in high school and I do have a crush so I am not going to tell you hehe
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way??
Ummm yes........
Do you have kids??
Do you want kids??
What's your favourite colour??
Do you miss someone right now??
I sure do!!
So that's it guys hope you enjoyed it and I tag alllll of you to do it just leave link in the comments and I will be sure to go check it out!!!!
Until next time byeee xoxo
Do you sleep with you closet doors open or closed??
Umm... I don't realy pourposly open or close my closet doors but they are usually closed...
Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out??
In bed I just bundle myself into a big cocoon so that's a yes!!
Have you ever stolen a street sign before??
Do you use post-it notes??
No but I have always wanted to be one of those really organised people who use post-it nots but whenever I try it just fails so basically no.
Do you ever cut out coupons and then never use them??
Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bee's??
Umm I think a swarm of bees because everyones like, if you don't harm the bee it won't harm you so yeah a swarm of bee's!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have freckles??
Do you always smile for pictures??
I do most of the time but sometimes there are just thouse casule pouts or tounge faces as all girls have to admit they try to pull of...!!
What is your biggest pet peeve??
When you message someone and you can clearly see they have seen it and then they don't reply, but then when you see each other they won't stop talking to you!!
Do you ever count your steps when you walk??
If im really really bored then probably yes but I do it without realising im doing it.
Have you ever peed in the woods??
Have you ever pooped in the woods??
Umm.. yeahhh but when I was like 6.....
Do you ever dance when theres no music playing??
Yeah when theres an awkward silence. as you do.
Do you chew your pens and pencils??
guilty as charged!!
How many people have you slept with this week??
One (if my teddy counts)???
What is the size of your bed??
What is your top song of the week??
Addicted to you
Is it okay for guys to wear pink??
Guys go ahead and wear what you wonna wear!!
Do you still watch cartoons??
If animated movies count. then yes.
Whats your least favourite movie??
I don't have one
Where would you burry hidden treasure??
Umm why would I tell you where I would hide treasure you silly billy??
What do you drink with your dinner??
Black current and apple squash!
What do you dip a chicken nugget in??
What is your favourite food??
Pancakes 100% of the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What movie could you watch over and over again and still love??
Monte Carlo, go watch it guys!!!!!!!
Last person you kissed/kissed you??
my mummy!!! :)
Where you ever a girl/boy scout??
Indeed I was!!
would you ever pose nude in a magazine??
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone??
Umm quite a while ago and it as to my cousin.
can you change the oil in a car??
Ever got a speeding ticket??
Ever ran out of gas??
Favourite type of sandwich??
BLT for sure!!
Best thing to eat for breakfast??
Pancakes.. DUH
what is your usual bedtime??
9 o clock
Are you Lazy??
I can be..
When you were a child what did you dress up as or Halloween??
I swear I have always been a vampire for Halloween!!
What is your chineese astrological sign??
How many languages can you speak??
Umm one, I know im so cultural you don't need to tell me haha (winky face)
Do you have any magazine subscriptions??
no I do not.
Which are better Lego's or linconlogs??
I would say Lego because I have never really played with linconlogs??
Are you stubborn??
Nope. all my friends are always saying how happy I am all the time!!!
Who is better Leno or Letterman??
I don't know either so I cant really say....
Ever watch soap operas??
Are you afraid of heights??
Well I'm not afraid of heights as in you send me to the top of the tallest building in the world but I cant stand rollercoasters...
Do you sing in the car??
Do you sing in the shower??
Not really.
Do you dance n the car??
Ever used a gun??
Actually Yes, when I was a scout!
Last time you had your portrait taken by a photographer??
Umm last year...
Do you think musicals are cheesy??
Depends which musical...
Is Christmas stressful??
Not for me its not!!!
Ever ate a pierogi??
A what?
What's your favourite type of fruit pie??
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid??
A princess, A model, An actress!!!!!!!
Do you believe in ghosts???
Sort Of.....
Ever had a deva-vu feeling??
Nope Never!
Take a vitamin daily??
No, but I am going to start to..
Do you wear slippers??
No, I usually wear fluffy socks.
Wear a bathrobe??
Not really, I do sometimes.
What do you wear to bed??
Either shorts and a vest or in the winter shorts and a baggy jumper!
Your first concert??
I have never been to a concert..
Wal-Mart, target or k-mart??
None because I live in the UK
Nike or Adidas??
Cheetos or Fritos??
again none because I live in the UK..
Peanuts or sunflower seeds??
Ever heard of the group Tres Bien??
I have now..
Ever Taken dance lessons??
Yes, for about a year when I was 7
Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing??
Anything that makes him happy!!
Can you curl your tonged??
Have you ever won a spelling bee??
Have you ever cried because you were so happy???
Own any record albums??
Own a record player??
Regularly burn incense??
No not really??
Ever been in love??
Who would you like to see in concert??
If I had to pick one person it would be 1 Direction for sure!
The last concert you saw??
I have never been to a concert..
Hot tea or Cold tea??
Tea or Coffee??
Sugar or snicker doodles??
Umm Sugar??
Can you swim well??
Can you hold your breath without holding your nose??
course I can!!
Are you patient??
DJ or band at a wedding??
I think a band would be cool!!
Ever won a contest??
Eve had plastic surgery??
Which are better black or green olives??
I don't like any colour of olives ;(
Can you knit or crochet??
Best room for a fireplace??
A bedroom I think a fire place would just give it such a cosy feel (who else agrees)??
Do you want to get married??
Yes yes yes yes yesssssss
If married how long for??
I am not married, I am only 13...
Who was your high school crush??
I am still in high school and I do have a crush so I am not going to tell you hehe
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way??
Ummm yes........
Do you have kids??
Do you want kids??
What's your favourite colour??
Do you miss someone right now??
I sure do!!
So that's it guys hope you enjoyed it and I tag alllll of you to do it just leave link in the comments and I will be sure to go check it out!!!!
Until next time byeee xoxo
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Lets Get Girly Seies #2 ~ Social Pressure on girls
Hello Everyone, so for todays post I'm going to talk about pressure that girls like you and me experience whilst growing up.
Going back 30 40 years girls felt free to be who they were because there was no pressure from media peers or anyone else. They felt free to express their selves. But then everything changed Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook came into prospect and soon there were thousands of images showing perfect girls, girls with no flaws. So people after seeing this expected every girl to be flawless and if they weren't they were nothing.
Girls who don't have perfect legs have fat don't have perfect skin, are not popular or wear the latest designer clothes got looked down upon because they weren't reaching the expectation you had after seeing that picture of that girl on and advert or on Tumblr.
Then people moan on the news about girls who self harm or have committed suicide. People who have probably looked down on someone because of the way they dressed or the amount of piercings they have or weather they had a tattoo or not.
This generation has created insecurity's in girls. Now instead of looking in the mirror and seeing a portrayed version of what you look like you see faults but not how they are at an exaggerated level. and it eats you up until you feel like nothing.
Its time this all changed, its not what you look like or how you speak or do your hair its the person you are and all the AMAZING features you have everyone is perfect in their very own way. So go ahead look in the mirror and tell your self your beautiful because its the truth.
I'm going to leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Audrey Hepthburn ~ Happiest girls are the Prettiest.
Until next time byeee xoxo
Going back 30 40 years girls felt free to be who they were because there was no pressure from media peers or anyone else. They felt free to express their selves. But then everything changed Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook came into prospect and soon there were thousands of images showing perfect girls, girls with no flaws. So people after seeing this expected every girl to be flawless and if they weren't they were nothing.
Girls who don't have perfect legs have fat don't have perfect skin, are not popular or wear the latest designer clothes got looked down upon because they weren't reaching the expectation you had after seeing that picture of that girl on and advert or on Tumblr.
Then people moan on the news about girls who self harm or have committed suicide. People who have probably looked down on someone because of the way they dressed or the amount of piercings they have or weather they had a tattoo or not.
This generation has created insecurity's in girls. Now instead of looking in the mirror and seeing a portrayed version of what you look like you see faults but not how they are at an exaggerated level. and it eats you up until you feel like nothing.
Its time this all changed, its not what you look like or how you speak or do your hair its the person you are and all the AMAZING features you have everyone is perfect in their very own way. So go ahead look in the mirror and tell your self your beautiful because its the truth.
I'm going to leave you with one of my favourite quotes by Audrey Hepthburn ~ Happiest girls are the Prettiest.
Until next time byeee xoxo
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Lets Blog Series ~ #2 layout and templete
Hello Everyone, First of all I would just like to apologise for my lack of posting, it being the Easter holidays and everything I have been really busy but from today I'm going to go back to my original blogging schedule so lets get into the post guyssssss.
So after setting up your blog to will need to edit the template and layout to make it look slick and professional.
Personally I would start by editing the design/template and you do this by: going onto your blog, then if you look in the top right corner you will see a little tab which says design. In here there are loads of different designs colours templates texts and sizes to customize your blog and make it look how you want it to.
When picking your colours and layouts you want to make sure you know that all the colours correspond with each other and match. Also bear in mid the type of blog and target audience you are trying to impress.
After you have done this and are happy with the way you have designed the template click on the save arrangement tab and then you can move onto the layout.
To edit the layout you need to go onto your dashboard and then click on the tab which has two pieces of paper on it and then a dropdown bar will appear you then click on layout.
In here you can add different gadgets to you blog and edit your title. This is also the place you can add custom gadgets and headers but ill go into that on my next post.
The final thing I want to talk to you about is adding different pages to navigate around your bog. You do this by going to you dashboard and then click on the same tab you clicked on to edit your layout and instead click on pages from there its simple to add different pages to your blog and make it your own.
I hope you like this post and ill talk to you all again soon byeee xoxo
So after setting up your blog to will need to edit the template and layout to make it look slick and professional.
Personally I would start by editing the design/template and you do this by: going onto your blog, then if you look in the top right corner you will see a little tab which says design. In here there are loads of different designs colours templates texts and sizes to customize your blog and make it look how you want it to.
When picking your colours and layouts you want to make sure you know that all the colours correspond with each other and match. Also bear in mid the type of blog and target audience you are trying to impress.
After you have done this and are happy with the way you have designed the template click on the save arrangement tab and then you can move onto the layout.
To edit the layout you need to go onto your dashboard and then click on the tab which has two pieces of paper on it and then a dropdown bar will appear you then click on layout.
In here you can add different gadgets to you blog and edit your title. This is also the place you can add custom gadgets and headers but ill go into that on my next post.
The final thing I want to talk to you about is adding different pages to navigate around your bog. You do this by going to you dashboard and then click on the same tab you clicked on to edit your layout and instead click on pages from there its simple to add different pages to your blog and make it your own.
I hope you like this post and ill talk to you all again soon byeee xoxo
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Collective Haul- h&m, cath kidston, Hollister and primark
Hello Everyone, so I have been really busy because it is the Easter holidays so yo make up for missing Sundays post I'm going to do Sundays post today and then my how to blog series episode #2 tomorrow so lets get into my haul.
So yesterday I went shopping with my mum and sister so I ended up getting some really cute stuff and I decided to blog my first haul for you guys so yeah. Lets get going!
First we went to H&M and little disclaimer the jeans i got are actually from the kids section because they were like £3 cheaper so yeah but from H&M I got the super skinny acid wash jeans and they were £14.99
So yesterday I went shopping with my mum and sister so I ended up getting some really cute stuff and I decided to blog my first haul for you guys so yeah. Lets get going!
First we went to H&M and little disclaimer the jeans i got are actually from the kids section because they were like £3 cheaper so yeah but from H&M I got the super skinny acid wash jeans and they were £14.99
Also from H&M I got the j'aime les mauvais garcons crop top and it was £6.99, I would just like to apologise because I couldn't find a picture of the exact top I got so I will post a picture on instagram later for you!!!
The next shop we went to was Hollister and I only got one top and it was the pink drama hater top and full price it is £22 but because there is a 30% discount at the minute it was only £15.50 and again I couldn't find the picture so I think I might post a picture collage of all the stuff I got later.
The next place we went to was of course Primark. so here is what i got. was the 470ml floral print thermal mug and it was £2.50 ~ blue green and pink ombre effect sunglasses and they were £1 ~ coral pink halter neck ocean club bikini, £6 ~ Brooklyn Dallas light pink muscle tee, £4 ~ 2 basic black vests £2.50 each ~ spoilt rotten lace trim socks, £1.50 ~ Black regular plain pumps, £4 ~ White van style seekers £6 and that was all from Primark.
Then we went to Claire's and i got the bow body mist and that was £4.50
I also went into TopShop and got a pair of grey lace trimmed socks which were £3
and finally i went to Cath Kidston and got a pencil case which was £12
So i hope you enjoyed my haul and I will put all the pictures up probably in a collage later byeeeee xoxo
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Hello Everyone, so your all probably wondering what's with this mid week post. well here's why! I would like to say a massive thank you for you guys reading this because without you I probably wouldn't still be here right now. So here is why I am randomly saying thank you mid week.
Yesterday on the 10th of April, I got an email from Google saying that I am welcomed into the ad sense community and I couldn't quite believe it! I have been wanting to blog for years and now that I am lucky enough to get paid for what I love do so again I would like to say a massive thank you for being so kind and dedicated.
I also want to introduce a fan of the month section for my blog and they will be chosen by whoever is most active on twitter instagram on here and weather I get email requests thankyou again everyone but bye for now until next time byeee xoxo
Yesterday on the 10th of April, I got an email from Google saying that I am welcomed into the ad sense community and I couldn't quite believe it! I have been wanting to blog for years and now that I am lucky enough to get paid for what I love do so again I would like to say a massive thank you for being so kind and dedicated.
I also want to introduce a fan of the month section for my blog and they will be chosen by whoever is most active on twitter instagram on here and weather I get email requests thankyou again everyone but bye for now until next time byeee xoxo
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
LetsGetGirly #2- Family
Hello Everyone, First of all I would like to say sorry for not posting Sunday, it was due to technical difficulty's but I'm back now and here to post the second segment of the Lets Get Girly series and it is about family.
So looking over my stats i realised that many of the people reading my posts are between then ages of 13-17 and if any of you are like me, you fall out with your family very very verrrryyyyy frequently. So this post will hopefully give you some advice on how to cope with it!
Right so first of all you need to try and not fall out in the first place no matter how hard it may be the easiest way is to just try and behave but from past experience its not all that easy so when trying to behave fails and you end up falling out the best thing to do is just stand there and listen to them rant instead of saying or shouting "its not fair" and getting yourself in even more trouble just stand there and at least pretend to listen because when you think about it most of the time your parents are actually right.
Okay so lets say you just couldn't hold your temper in and you really fell out with your parents at the highest level just apologise and start again because that really is the best thing you can do.
But of course your parents are defiantly not the only problem and if you have younger siblings you know what i mean. In the case of brothers or sisters the best thing you can do is ignore them because they are bound to get annoying especially if they are younger than you. just try and be nice them and fingers crossed they will be nice back!
The final point i want to leave you with is to have respect you need to earn it and dish it out yourself. Until next time byeeee xoxo
So looking over my stats i realised that many of the people reading my posts are between then ages of 13-17 and if any of you are like me, you fall out with your family very very verrrryyyyy frequently. So this post will hopefully give you some advice on how to cope with it!
Right so first of all you need to try and not fall out in the first place no matter how hard it may be the easiest way is to just try and behave but from past experience its not all that easy so when trying to behave fails and you end up falling out the best thing to do is just stand there and listen to them rant instead of saying or shouting "its not fair" and getting yourself in even more trouble just stand there and at least pretend to listen because when you think about it most of the time your parents are actually right.
Okay so lets say you just couldn't hold your temper in and you really fell out with your parents at the highest level just apologise and start again because that really is the best thing you can do.
But of course your parents are defiantly not the only problem and if you have younger siblings you know what i mean. In the case of brothers or sisters the best thing you can do is ignore them because they are bound to get annoying especially if they are younger than you. just try and be nice them and fingers crossed they will be nice back!
The final point i want to leave you with is to have respect you need to earn it and dish it out yourself. Until next time byeeee xoxo
Monday, 31 March 2014
Lets Blog Series: How Start A Blog
Hi everyone, so first of all I hope you like my new blog design and second thing because I was so inspired by all the work it took to make my blog at a higher quality standard I decided to make my very own blogging series and I'm calling it the Lets Blog series so I hoe you like it and onto todays post!
So the first addition to the lets blog series is HOW TO START A BLOG and I hope you like it!
I think the most important part of starting a blog is doing it for yourself and as something you want and love to do and not to make your aim becoming famous or to get money.
Starting a blog is a commitment, you need time and you need to be able to write at least twice a week to start with.
The next thing you need to do is choose a topic and choose a hosting site, if your a beginner I would recommend blogger as its a lot easier to customise and design.
My last tip for starting a blog is making sure you have lots of ides ready to keep you going. I will be back the week after next for another segment of the Lets Blog series byeee xoxo
Sunday, 30 March 2014
The Hunt
How many times have you been on tumbler or Instagram and seen a really nice dress, top, shoes or even outfit you LOVE and have been all like: I wish I could have this, but I don't know where to get it. Well The Hunt is the answer. All you do is post a picture of the item you want and other people will do their best to find it for you.
The app also works the other way. All you do is scroll down loads of pictures of items people want and you can tap on it click go find and you can help that person find the item they are looking for!
I hope you guys enjoy this app and don't forget to tweet me your LetsGetGirly questions to me. Until next time Byeee xoxo
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Getting Girly #1 ~ Friends
Hello Everyone, todays post is the first of the LetsGetGirly series! and as you may have guessed its about friends.
Personally I think that friends are one of the most important thing you can ever posses. That is one of the main reasons why this post is about friends.
Friends are the people you can go to when you have a problem you cant tell your family and when you need a chat and THAT is why they are so important. If your sitting there reading this because you think you have no friends, its not true. Even if you currently feel like the universe hates you then you are wrong because you do have a friend, everyone has a friend even if they are not certain of it. There is always someone out there who cares.
We all know that horrible feeling when you have fallen out with a friend. Now lets get one thing straight if you don't fall out with your friends, they are NOT friends because even if its a squabble over nothing, all friends have fights and if you do its no normal because falling out with friends is something that happens due to knowing each other to well.
I know t seems hard but the best thing to do when you fall out with a friend is to not talk to them via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whattsapp or messaging because it will make it so so soooo much worse.
But say you already had, the best thing is to apologise because not only will it show your the bigger person, you will feel so much better about it yourself as well.
So the next time you fall out just remember, don't fight through social network, don't be mean and apologise and that way you should stay happy and remember if you ever have a problem email me at the listed address and I will very probably reply.
Until next time byeee xoxo
Personally I think that friends are one of the most important thing you can ever posses. That is one of the main reasons why this post is about friends.
Friends are the people you can go to when you have a problem you cant tell your family and when you need a chat and THAT is why they are so important. If your sitting there reading this because you think you have no friends, its not true. Even if you currently feel like the universe hates you then you are wrong because you do have a friend, everyone has a friend even if they are not certain of it. There is always someone out there who cares.
We all know that horrible feeling when you have fallen out with a friend. Now lets get one thing straight if you don't fall out with your friends, they are NOT friends because even if its a squabble over nothing, all friends have fights and if you do its no normal because falling out with friends is something that happens due to knowing each other to well.
I know t seems hard but the best thing to do when you fall out with a friend is to not talk to them via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whattsapp or messaging because it will make it so so soooo much worse.
But say you already had, the best thing is to apologise because not only will it show your the bigger person, you will feel so much better about it yourself as well.
So the next time you fall out just remember, don't fight through social network, don't be mean and apologise and that way you should stay happy and remember if you ever have a problem email me at the listed address and I will very probably reply.
Until next time byeee xoxo
Monday, 24 March 2014
I Choose this quote because after you fall out with a friend this is the best thing to think about. Just think about how you would like to be the other end of that conversation, so yeah the quote of the day today!
So in inspiration of lots of Youtuber's that I LOVE and as the follow on from my post on confidence I have decided to start a sort of I guess advice post, and I'm going to post every other Wednesday under the #'LetsGetGirly. So if there's something you want me to blog that you think other girls also struggle with then you could tweet me @VintageWishes_ with the hash tag #LetsGetGirly or Each Sunday before my post I will put a quote to do with something girly and hash tag it LetsGetGirly and you can comment on that But if you feel like its something to personal for everyone to see then just email me at BlogVintageWishes@gmail.com. So This Wednesdays post is going to be a Get Girly post so get tweeting Until then Bye xoxo
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