Wednesday, 7 May 2014

lets get girly series #4~ BESTIES

Hello Everyone and today I'm here to talk to you about FRIENDSHIPS!!! I think that having one friend you can trust with anything is so so so so so soooo important.

The first thing I want to cover is fall outs, if you don't fall out with your best friend its not a friendship because a part of being best friends is falling out. All you need to do is say sorry and if you truly are best friends you will make up in no time at all.

Another really important part of a friendship is trust and honesty, don't lie you don't have t go and tell them your every secret just don't LIE because that's what puts a friendship at risk!!!

Always stick up for them and be there for them because that's what you would want them to do for you is it not.

Your best friends are promises you have to keep because you just do so remember that!!!

Until next time byeee xoxo

Saturday, 3 May 2014


Hello Everyone, So I know there are not very many of you who read my posts but I know there are about twelve of you who seem to read all my posts so in this post I'm just going to inform of what's going on and also why I haven't posted recently!!

Basically I haven't posted because there's been a lot going on at school at the minute and I havn't really been up to posting because I knew that in the moods I have been in lately I wouldn't be giving you great advice so yup I'm sorry for that.

Next on the list is that I will no longer be doing the lets blog series because I don't think I have the correct experience to offer you just yet.

The final thing I want to talk to you about is youtube.... I have been watching a lot of youtube videos and I have been debating starting a channel so let me know what you think in the comments below.

As always don't be afraid to leave you suggestions! Until next time byeeeee xoxo