Tuesday 25 March 2014

Getting Girly #1 ~ Friends

Hello Everyone, todays post is the first of the LetsGetGirly series! and as you may have guessed its about friends.

Personally I think that friends are one of the most important thing you can ever posses. That is one of the main reasons why this post is about friends.

Friends are the people you can go to when you have a problem you cant tell your family and when you need a chat and THAT is why they are so important. If your sitting there reading this because you think you have no friends, its not true. Even if you currently feel like the universe hates you then you are wrong because you do have a friend, everyone has a friend even if they are not certain of it. There is always someone out there who cares.

We all know that horrible feeling when you have fallen out with a friend. Now lets get one thing straight if you don't fall out with your friends, they are NOT friends because even if its a squabble over nothing, all friends have fights and if you do its no normal because falling out with friends is something that happens due to knowing each other to well.

I know t seems hard but the best thing to do when you fall out with a friend is to not talk to them via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whattsapp or messaging because it will make it so so soooo much worse.

But say you already had, the best thing is to apologise because not only will it show your the bigger person, you will feel so much better about it yourself as well.

So the next time you fall out just remember, don't fight through social network, don't be mean and apologise and that way you should stay happy and remember if you ever have a problem email me at the listed address and I will very probably reply.

Until next time byeee xoxo

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